006K Simple Cyst of the Kidney

Simple renal Cyst Bosniak 1
55 year old female presents with abdominal pain Scout film following contrast administration shows bilateral excretion with mass effect in the calyces of the midportion of the left kidney. with question of mild hydronephrosis (widening of the forniceal angle) of the left upper pole compound calyx. Ureters and bladder appear normal except for mild mass effect on the superior aspect of the right side of the bladder likely from the uterus
Diagnosis left sided renal cyst
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net RnD
Simple renal Cyst Bosniak 1
55 year old female presents with abdominal pain Focus on the upper pole of the left kidney on the scout film following contrast administration confirms the mass effect on the calyces in the midportion of the left kidney. And mild hydronephrosis (widening of the forniceal angle) of the left upper pole compound calyx. The lower pole calyces are normal
Diagnosis left sided renal cyst
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net RnD
Simple Renal Cyst Bosniak 1
55-year-old female presents with abdominal pain. An axial CT scan through the upper portions of the left kidney shows distortion and compression of the upper pole calyces (yellow arrowhead) . There are bilateral “beak signs” (white arrowheads) indicating a benign slow growing cyst
Diagnosis: Left Sided Simple Renal Cyst Bosniak 1
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net RnD